Metal Finishing
in Trenton, Maine

Metal Magic, Inc., Improves the Look and Durability of Your Metal
Contact Metal Magic, Inc., for quality metal finishing services in Maine and throughout New England. Do you have any metal that is worn and rough-looking? Does your metal need a makeover? Our team can improve the look and durability through our trustworthy process. Strengthening your metals will help to prevent and treat corrosion. Our work will help your motorcycle, antique, and marine metal to stand out. Call us today at (207) 667-8519 to find out what we can do for you.

Metal Finishing Serves a Wide Array of Purposes
The metal finishing process consists of two important aspects. They both involve taking care of the exterior of the metal. This process allows for improved durability and resistance to corrosion, chemical, electrical, and abrasion. It can also reduce friction and creates decorative appeal.
Our Methods are Dependable and Do the Job Well
Metal Magic, Inc., offers several different metal finishing methods. We have designed these methods to improve the appearance of the metal or glass and keep it smooth. Here are the methods we use to keep your glass or metal looking its best:
Brushing/Cleaning helps to remove surface imperfections. The finish allows for a uniform, grain surface texture to keep the exterior looking smooth. This usually involves an abrasive belt or wire brush.
Polishing/Buffing/Honing/Lapping reduce the roughness in metals after machining and involve using abrasive wheels or mounted points. Honing and lapping use abrasive compounds to cut down on the roughness of mating parts by rubbing them together.
Grinding uses abrasive wheels while smoothing the surface of metals. It is used to find the tolerance. Surface grinders are the most notably used grinding machines, but they are not the only ones. Centerless and Blanchard grinders are also regularly used.
Vibratory Finishing removes sharp edges, sprue, and more. Using a drum, filled with abrasive pellets and apply tumbling variations, vibratory finishing helps to make a uniform texture.
Blasting, or sandblasting, happens when we smooth, shape, and clean a surface at high speeds. This forces materials, such as steel shots, metal pellets, and other abrasives, to protect underlying surfaces.
Shot Peening is a more compressive method to help improve fatigue resistance, stress corrosion, cracking resistance, fretting resistance, and more. The cold-working process uses a countering tensile stress from manufacturing. We can do the same with burnishing another cold-work surface change.
Heat treating creates the best characteristics in the material after its finished shape occurs. These will toughen your metals through a flame-heating process.
Coating through water and oil-based paints provides protection against corrosion. These special paints are available for harsh environments. They are helpful for marine applications. Powder coating allows for a decorative finish like paint but has a longer life span. It involves UV or heat curing for powder onto the metal.
Hot Blackening puts black oxide onto a surface for a matte black finish. This allows for high abrasion resistance. High temperatures allow for a hot finishing process. It is useful for automotive parts, tools, and firearms.
We Do More than Metal Finishing
Do you have metal that needs to be restored? Are you in need of metal fabrication and welding work? How about custom railings or memorial stones? Metal Magic, Inc., can do all that in our shop and more. Contact us today to learn more about the services we offer including metal finishing.